Today, the country that is a faithful friend of Ukraine and consistently demonstrates support for the entire Ukrainian people, the United States of America, celebrates its Independence Day.
Throughout its centuries-long history, the United States of America has been an unparalleled example of a democratic society founded on the supremacy of law and full respect for human rights. It is a beacon of civilization in the modern world, a guarantor of peace, security, and global stability.
247 years ago, you acquired the right to be free! You paid the highest price for your freedom. You endured and triumphed. You faced various challenges and became an example to be emulated.
Similarly, today we, Ukrainians, defend our Independence with weapons in hand.
After February 24th, the United States of America demonstrated powerful support for the Ukrainian people and army. Your country embodies the spirit of freedom, inspiring us in the struggle for our Independence and strengthening our belief in victory over the bloody Russian aggressor.
We thank the American people for their extended friendly and reliable support!
Happy Independence Day, America! Prosperity and progress to the American people!
Happy Independence Day, USA!